When you are using one of the Recipe Finders to cut a recipe list down to those you want, checking List Only Matches will sometimes result in a list with nothing in it. In other words, you’ve eliminated every recipe in the list! In this situation there are two possibilities: either there were no recipes in the list to begin with, or those there got eliminated by your matching specification(s). You can see the starting list by checking List All Recipes. If there aren’t many there, it’s likely that none of them match what you wanted. If you’re in the Recipe Browser, try looking in more recipe files by clicking Pick Cookbooks and checking off more files. Also, the Browser may have a tab in front which doesn’t have many recipes in its Category. Try selecting No Dividers or picking a tab for a broader Category (for example, if you’re looking at the Cookies tab, try Desserts instead). Assuming that there was a good selection of recipes there in the first place, you problem is then that you probably have too many specifications for Mangia! to try to match. It only takes a few specifications to really limit the list of potential recipes. For example, there are not likely to be many recipes whose Nationality is "Chinese" which have "dairy" for a Main Ingredient. In the Recipe Finder window you used before, try removing things that you specified, or click on Clear All to empty the window out entirely and start over. Remember: the more things you try and match, the fewer recipes will match it, and vice versa.